The kick-off meeting of the main seminar at Earth Youth Summit in KYOTO 2024 was held on 24 February 2024. The program was conducted online via Zoom from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. (Japan Standard Time), with 77 participants including high school students and mentors from around the world.
Country list: Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Viet Nam, China
At first, Mr. Akimasa Yamashita (Vice Governor of Kyoto Prefecture, Japan) gave opening remarks. He mentioned that the Kyoto-Miyazu Summit will be held as part of this program and gave a warm message of hope for an active discussion on water and the environment based on their cultural backgrounds.
(Mr. Akimasa Yamashita)
Next, Prof. Misuzu Asari (the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) gave a keynote speech titled “You can change the society!”. She explained the history and current situation of the waste problem. Moreover, she emphasized the necessity of changing the present situation.
After that, we all had an icebreaker, and all members were divided into small groups. In the small group, self-introduction and group work were done. The group work was also an opportunity for the participants to meet for the first time with their colleagues, with whom they would deepen their discussions over the next six months. They talked about the level of interest each of them had in various social issues and solidified the direction of themes to be discussed in the group.
Each group will continue to discuss their theme and make a presentation in the 1st progress meeting on 13 April 2024.
2024年2月24日に地球環境ユースサミット in KYOTO 2024の本講座キックオフミーティングを開催しました。16時から19時(日本時間)にZoomによるオンライン形式で実施し、世界各国から高校生、メンター合わせて77名が参加しました。
また、浅利美鈴教授(総合地球環境学研究所)には「You can change the society!」と題して基調講演をしていただきました。ごみ問題の歴史と現状を紹介し、現状を変えていく必要性について説いていただきました。