中島 さち子
音楽家・数学研究者・STEAM 教育者。(株)steAm 代表取締役、(一社)steAm BAND代表理事、大阪・関西万博テーマ事業プロデューサー、内閣府STEM Girls Ambassador。国際数学オリンピック金メダリスト(日本人女性初)。明治大学先端数理科学インスティテュート(MIMS)客員研究員。東京大学大学院数理科学研究科特任研究員。
Sachiko Nakajima
Musician, mathematics researcher and STEAM educator. She is also CEO of steAm, Inc.,the representative director of steAm BAND Association and a thematic project producer of Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
She also serves as a STEM Girls Ambassador, Cabinet Office, and project researcher of Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences The University of Tokyo. She won the gold medal as the first Japanese woman in the International Mathematical Olympiad.
She also serves as a STEM Girls Ambassador, Cabinet Office, and project researcher of Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences The University of Tokyo. She won the gold medal as the first Japanese woman in the International Mathematical Olympiad.