Report on Special Lecture by McDonald's Company (Japan), Ltd.

また、国連環境計画(UNEP)のMushtaq Memon博士にも特別ゲストとしてお越しいただきました。UNEPのMemon博士のチームからは、7月20日(土)に特別講座を、8月9日(金)には京都・宮津サミットのプログラムとしてワークショップを開催いただきます。




On June 15 (Sat.), 2024, from 1:00 PM, we held a special lecture featuring McDonald’s Company (Japan), Ltd., a member of the Kyoto Beyond SDGs Consortium, to introduce their sustainability efforts.
This event was part of a special lecture series during the main seminar period (February – August 2024) of Earth Youth Summit 20245 in KYOTO. We invited Mr. Shintaro Akamatsu from Division of Sustainability & ESG, McDonald’s Company (Japan), Ltd., to Kyoto University’s Yoshida Campus. 8 high school students and 8 university student mentors from the Earth Youth Summit attended the event in person.
Additionally, Dr. Mushtaq Memon from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) attended as a special guest. Dr. Memon’s team from UNEP will conduct a special lecture on July 20 (Sat.), and a workshop as part of the Kyoto-Miyazu Summit program on August 9 (Fri.).

First, Mr. Akamatsu talked in English about McDonald’s Company (Japan), Ltd.’s efforts in sustainable sourcing, reducing food waste, eliminating plastic, and their health and welfare activities (Donald McDonald House). Next, we divided into groups to review the lecture and talk about what kind of initiatives we would like to see. Some ideas included using local designs (like kimono patterns or environmental awareness designs) on hamburger wrappers and offering veggie burgers (available in countries like India but not in Japan). There was also a suggestion that even though switching from plastic to paper straws is good, they are still single-use items, so we should think about recycling or reusing them. In response, Mr. Akamatsu mentioned some regional trials to recycle paper cups.
Furthermore, Dr. Memon had a conversation with the high school students, highlighting the importance of talking and taking action together.

Thank you very much to everyone who participated!