*** English follows ***
「地球環境ユースサミット2025 in KYOTO」に向けて、最新の募集要項を掲載しております。
「地球環境ユースサミット」は、世界各国のユース世代が、英語のディスカッションをベースとした対話により、SDGsを始めとした地球環境問題について、真剣に考え議論し発信できる場を提供します。年間プログラムにより英語での対話に親しむとともに、異文化間交流による相互理解を通して、 SDGsの各ゴール達成や2050年を見据えた持続可能な社会の実現を目指すグローバル人材を育成します。前身である京都大学SDGsリーダー育成プログラム開始から5年目を迎え、活躍する多様なOG・OBが、企画・運営の主力となり、皆さんを支えます。
共催:京都超SDGsコンソーシアム ほか
The Earth Youth Summit, where junior and senior high school students from all over the world engage in dialogue on global environmental issues, will be held again in 2025.
The latest Admission Requirements are available here.
Earth Youth Summit provides an opportunity for the youth generation from all over the world to deeply think, discuss and communicate about the SDGs and other global environmental issues through discussions in English. The year-long programme helps participants get used to discussing in English and fosters global talent who aim to achieve the goals of the SDGs and realise a sustainable society by 2050 through mutual understanding by cross-cultural exchange. The programme is now in its fifth year since its predecessor, “Solve Problems And Revolutionize from Kyoto University” (SPARKU) was launched, and a diverse group of active alumni and alumnae will play a key role in planning and organising the programme to support you.
In 2025, our goal is to implement actions designed by participants. Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai and Keihanna Expo 2025 will provide an opportunity for this.
These are for getting basic knowledge about SDGs and deepening students’ familiarity with English. From March to October 2025, we will have group works on Zoom within small groups. On-site summit “Keihanna Summit” will be held in Keihanna Science City from August 4th to 6th. Numerous other opportunities to participate in Expo related events are also available, and the results of discussions will be disseminated widely.
◆Application Requirements
①Applicants must be in their 3rd year of junior high school, 1st year of high school, or 2nd year of high school (*3rd, 4th, or 5th year in the case of secondary schools) at the time of application.
②Those who are interested in the leadership for the next generation, and activities related to environmental issues and the SDGs.
③Those who can prepare to participate seminars by using the online meeting application.
*University students or older can participate as mentors. For details, check the entry form.
Entry form for mentor:https://forms.gle/UXdo5ACoiVendGft7
◆Application Process
Enter your information on our website. (https://kyoto-youthsummit.com/en/entry/)Application form is the same for both Introductory Lecture and Main Seminar, but deadline is different.
Deadline of application for the Main Seminar is March 22nd, 2025.
On-site summit “Keihanna Summit” will be held in Keihanna Science City from August 4th to 6th, providing an opportunity for middle and high school students to get together on the ground.
Participants will give the midterm presentation of their group work and discuss each other to update it. Various on-site training program collaborate with Keihanna EXPO will be held. And we will discuss about geoenvironmental issue from differing viewpoints.
You can also participate in various other opportunities for Expo.
For more information, please see Admission Requirements.
Organizer: Earth Youth Summit 2025 in KYOTO Executive Committee(Administrative Office: Resarch Institute for Humanity and Nature)
Co-organizer:Kyoto Beyond SDGs Consortium, etc.