Report on 2nd Pre-seminar(2023/10/14)

The second lecture of the Pre-seminar was held on 14th October. It was given by Dr. Hiroaki Daimon (Associate Professor at the University of Fukuchiyama) on the theme of ” Global Warming and Disaster Science”. It started with the definition of the word “disaster” and asked the question “Who is responsible for climate change?

On the day of the Pre-seminar, participants did self-introductions and shared their impressions of the lecture video at first. After that the discussions follows and those themes are “Have you ever felt climate change?”, “Does climate change affect all people in the same way?”, and “Who should take responsibility for solving climate change? After the discussion, participants had time to share what they discussed in each group so that they could exchange opinions with a variety of people. In this second pre-seminar, we held two sessions, one in the afternoon (14:00-16:00 JST) and the other in the evening (22:00-24:00 JST), and many youths from overseas participated. It must have been stimulating for them to talk and exchange opinions with other youth of the same age, both in Japan and abroad.

During the discussion about “Have you ever felt climate change?”, the participants were able to learn stories from different regions and countries, which led to interesting discussions. In addition, they had a profound discussion, as they were able to think about the questions or opinions that arose during the discussion.

The number of participants increased, and we were able to see youths who actively challenged themselves to speak in front of other participants, which raised expectations for future growth in this program. We, the organizers of Earth Youth Summit 2024, will do our best to meet the expectations of the participants! If you are interested in participating, please register from here! We look forward to seeing you soon!




導入講座当日は、自己紹介や講義動画の感想シェアなどを行ったあと、「気候変動を実感したことがあるか」「気候変動によりすべての人に同様の影響があるのか」「誰が気候変動解決の責任を取るべきなのか」といったテーマでディスカッションをしました。ディスカッション後には、それぞれの考えを皆の前で発表しあう時間を取り、様々な人と意見交換が出来る様にしています。第2回の今回は昼の部(14:00-16:00 JST)と夜の部(22:00-24:00 JST)の二回を開催し、国外からも多くのユースが参加してくれました。国内外の同年代のユースと話し、意見交換をすることは良い刺激になったのではないでしょうか。昼・夜ともに大学生のメンターがおり、英語の手助けをしてくれるので、英語で話すのが苦手でも安心して参加できると思います。


第2回目の導入講座では参加者も増え、積極的に英語での発言にチャレンジしてくれたユースを目にすることもでき、これからの成長への期待が高まります。私たち運営メンバーも、参加者の期待にできる限り答えられるよう、頑張ってまいります。Earth Youth Summit 2024は途中からのご参加も大歓迎です!少しでも興味を持たれた方は、ぜひこちらからお申し込みください!お待ちしております。