This application was finished! Earth Youth Summit 2025 in KYOTO is here!!
この募集は終了しています。地球環境ユースサミット2025 in KYOTOはこちら!
Earth Youth Summit 2024 in KYOTO (for high school students)
Main-seminar & Kyoto-Miyazu Summit Application Guidelines
Earth Youth Summit 2024 in KYOTO will be in two parts: the pre-seminar and the main-seminar. There are only two more pre-seminars left, and the main-seminar will begin in February 2024. In addition, an onsite program “Kyoto-Miyazu Summit” will be held in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan in August 2024. During the main seminar, participants will engage in deep discussions about a particular topic with youth from around the world. In the Kyoto-Miyazu Summit, they will share and further delve into the discussions they had. Proposals from Earth Youth Summit 2024 in KYOTO will be continuously released after the program concludes.
Application Requirements
1. Applicants must be in their 3rd year of junior high school, 1st or 2nd year of high school (or those who are in the equivalent grade) in January 2024.
2. Those who are interested in the leadership for the next generation, and activities related to environmental issues and the SDGs.
3. Those who can prepare to participate in seminars by using online meeting applications, such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
* High school students graduating in March 2024 are eligible to join as mentors. For more information, please visit this link:
How to apply
・ The registration form for the main-seminar will be sent to you after you have applied for the pre-seminar.
・ To participate in the main-seminar, you must attend at least one pre-seminar. Please enter the pre-seminar first. (Entry page for the pre-seminar:
* Note that although the deadline on the pre-seminar entry page is written as 12th January, we have extended it until 31st January. Please disregard the earlier date and feel free to submit your application.
・For those who are unable to attend the 6th pre-seminar (10th February), a supplementary pre-seminar is planned. Participation in this supplementary seminar will also be considered as one attendance.
・ Please refer to the flowchart in the application guideline for deadlines. The first deadline is 31st January, 2024.
!! Please be sure to carefully read the Application guideline before submitting.
We look forward to welcoming many participants!
地球環境ユースサミット2024 in KYOTO(Earth Youth Summit 2024 in KYOTO)
本講座および京都・宮津サミット 参加者募集
「地球環境ユースサミット2024 in KYOTO」は、2023年9月から開始した導入講座をまもなく終え、いよいよ本講座(2024年2月~8月)と京都・宮津サミット(2024年8月8日~10日)を開始します。本講座では特定のテーマについて国内外のユース参加者と議論を深め、京都・宮津サミットでは本講座での議論内容を共有しさらなるブラッシュアップを行います。これらを通じて得られた成果は、2024年8月以降、様々な機会で発信します。
① 2024年1月時点で中学3年生~高校2年生(またはそれに該当する学年の方)
② 次世代のリーダーの在り方、環境問題や SDGs に関する活動に興味関心のある方
③ オンライン会議システム(Microsoft Teams、Zoomなど)に参加できる環境を用意できる方
・本講座に参加するには、導入講座に1回以上参加することが必要です。まずは導入講座への申込を行ってください。(導入講座 申込ページ: